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Types of Massage

JFB-Myofascial Release
Myofascial release is a safe and very effective hands on technique that involves applying gentle sustained pressure to an area that presents with restrictions and waiting for the release. This can take anywhere from 5 minutes or longer. a low load (gentle pressure) applied slowly will allow a viscoelastic medium (fascia) to elongate. Think of this as taffy that needs to warm up and then it gently stretches. :) This is NOT a full body massage. Specific areas are treated during your session. It is advisable to wear shorts for men and a bikini or sports bra and bottoms for women. Clients say this offers a Longer release and helps with pain and a feeling of relaxation. Please refrain from using lotion prior to your session as I need to be able to connect to your skin and use it as a handle to release the fascia. 60min/$90, 90min/$125


Integrated Therapy Session

In all the years that I have been doing Massage, I have found that this session works the best to address most issues people come to me with. This sessions utilizes many different modalities all combined into one. It has both light and deep work as well as stretching. I use heat around the neck and on the back. This session combines both relaxation and relief from tension and promotes the letting go my clients need.

60 min/$65 - 75 min/$80- 90 min/$95

OUT CALLS $90 Per session (within 10 miles) only if client cannot come to me.

Essential touch or Raindrop

8 oils applied in a specific order to the back as well as (2) to the feet to aid with stress relief (balance & Lavender) Immunity (melaleuca & on guard) Inflammation (Aromatouch & Deep Blue) Homeostasis or bringing back to balance (wild orange & Peppermint) . I use only DoTERRA CPTG essential oils so you know you are getting 100% quality oils put on your body.
Add to any session for $30 takes an additional 20 min.. Essential touch alone = $40

Craniosacral massage uses light, gentle pressure on the head, neck, spine, and sacrum (or tailbone). Through soft movements, obstructions and compressions the areas where the brain and spinal cord function are released, which is meant to allow the body to perform at a more optimal level. Most of the time, the pressures are lighter than that of a nickel running up and down the body, and it’s not uncommon for clients to fall asleep during the procedures. It is believed that craniosacral massage allows blockages in the spinal fluid to move more freely through the body, improving balance and circulation, and reducing chronic pain. In some cases, regular sessions for chronic pain may be recommended, as it can return with later “blockages” in the spinal fluid.

60 min/$90

Cupping Through suction and negative pressure, massage cupping releases rigid soft tissue; drains excess fluids and toxins; loosens adhesion's and lifts connective tissue; and brings blood flow to stagnant skin and muscles. Note* This cupping WILL leave Hicky like circles on your body for a few days. Where there is dead, static blood, lymph, cellular debris, pathogenic factors, and toxins present in the body, Cupping can leave marks which indicates that the stagnation or disease has been moved from the deeper tissue layers to the surface, allowing fresh oxygenated blood to nourish and heal the underlying areas. Any suction device left long enough in one place will loosen and pull these agents out & up to the skin surface. The color and pattern of the marks depend on the level of stagnation in the area, and range from a bright red to dark purple, usually lasting 3 days to a week - sometimes longer if the person is very sick or sedentary. If there is no stagnation present, there will be only a light pink mark which disappears in a few minutes to a couple of hours. Sites where there is old trauma or injury may require multiple cupping treatments to remove all stagnation. You will find in follow up treatments the marks will be visibly lighter and lighter as the pathogens are systemically removed from the body.Added to any session $10. 30 Min Back/Shoulder = $45 /30. Additional areas $10 i.e hips, quads, hamstrings, arms (Will not perform cups on lower legs)

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is in balance, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy." A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and well being.
60 min/$60

Corporate/Chair Massage
( I Bring a Table) Are you interested or know a company that may be interested in Chair massage for their employees? Then contact me and let's make that happen. Its a good way to give employees a mini break in the day and a chance to release tension and decompress. This massage is done clothed. All I require is a small office or a QUIET space where I can set up a table and lights can be turned off and calming music can be played. $1 a minute... 15 min = $15 Limited to 15 or 30 minute sessions per person.